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Maksuton Valuable ageing -webinaari 15.11. kello 12.00–16.00


The nursing students of Oulu UAS invite you to a webinar
Valuable ageing

15th of November 2016 at 12pm to 4pm (GMT +2)                                                                

You can participate via https://connect.funet.fi/valuableageing

Please log in with your own name or username. It is also possible to participate the Webinar on-site. Address to the location is Kuntotie 2, 86310 Oulainen. Complimentary coffee/tea and bun are served. Binding enrolments at the latest 8th of November via email: ilmoittaudun2016@gmail.com 


12.00–12.05 Welcome
12.05–12.10 introduction Finland (Oulu UAS students Oulainen)
12.10–12.15 introduction Slovenia
12.15–12.20 introduction Poland
12.20–12.55 Project Healthy Lifestyle for Aging Well (HLAW): dissemination of intellectual outputs of the European project Boris Miha Kaučič, Katja Esih, Jerneja Me¸a, Alenka Presker  Planko, Tina Razlag Kolar, Celje, Slovenia
12.55–13.10 Break (15 min)
13.10–13.15 Elderly care in finland (Oulu UAS students Oulainen)
13.15–14.05 Supporting to activity in daily living, Leena Lähdesmäki, JEDU, Finland
14.05–14.35 Beata Dobrowolska Poland (Ethics)
14.35–14.50 Break (15min)
14.50–14.55 Postershow Oulu UAS optometrists (Oulu)
14.55–15.05 OUAS optometrists (Oulu)
15.05–15.15 OUAS optometrists (Oulu)
15.15–15.45 Health literacy in old age – where we are? Tina Razlag Kolar, Boris Miha Kaučič,  Tamara ¦temberger Kolnik, Celje, Slovenia
15.45–16.00 Closing


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